A Poem In Honor of Cinna the Poet

For AP Lang, I had the option to write a poem in iambic pentameter about a character of my choice from Julius Caesar. Naturally, I chose the most underrated character of them all: Cinna the Poet. Poor Cinna. He doesn’t get half the support he deserves. Everyone’s freaking over how Caesar got stabbed, but they’re…

Short Dystopian Story for AP Lang

I had to write a short dystopian story for my AP Lang class. I wrote it while at dance before ballet started, the day it was due, in about two hours. Whoops. When I got home from dance at about 9:30ish, a classmate helped me fix some typos and a few poorly worded sentences. I…

AP Art Drawing – Ophelia

Yikes, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Well here’s a bit of a recap: I’ve started dual enrolling, and I’m starting to get used to it. I’m even enjoying it! I think I’ve mostly figured out how to balance school work, dance, art, and violin. I was really stressed out about it all, but I’ve mostly…

Five Snail Friends

Whilst hiking, I came upon five friendly snail friends, each with their own distinct personalities, talents, and hobbies. All snails are residents of Cloudland Canyon State Park. Snail #1: Clarence Clarence is rather on the introverted side. Being a snail of an introspective nature, he is more often than not found meditating on the numerous…

Arnold has a question for you

I got a nice set of micron pens (finally! I’ve been using sharpies for the longest time!) and wanted to try them out. This was the result.

Interview with Amie from Crazy A

Today I’ll be interview Amie from the blog Crazy A! The questions will mostly focus on writing advice, with a few ridiculous ones mixed in. Welcome back to the blogging world Amie! (It’s funny that I’m saying that because I haven’t posted in decades myself… my blog isn’t dead I swear…. I have plenty of…

Art Homework: Color Theory

As a part of AP Art, my teacher is giving me a series of lessons on color theory. First, I had to use colored pencils to replicate the colors on the color wheel as closely as possible. Using colored pencils made it tricky, it’s a lot easier to get the right color with paint. Here’s…

Bite-Sized Book Review: Till We Have Faces

If you think you love C.S. Lewis and you’ve never read Till We Have Faces, rip off your C.S. Lewis fan badge and cast it into the fire. You have officially become a Fake Fan. Okay I’m kidding. But seriously, if you haven’t read this book, what are you doing. Drop your laptop and scram…

Lookout Mountain Photography Part 2: Cloudland Canyon

Cloudland Canyon is a beautiful place, and it’s especially popular to visit during the fall because of the leaves. The canyon is home to a waterfall (and multiple smaller ones) and several overlooks. My sister and I love to hike down to the canyon floor and play in the river. Here’s some photos I took…

Lookout Mountain Photography Part 1: Foggy Edition

A few months ago during spring break, my dad my sister and I stayed with some friends at Lookout Mountain. Instead of promptly posting the photos when I got home (as any decent blogger would) I waited until…today. Oops. I might have completely forgotten to make this post had it not been for Amie’s post. Since…